HISTORY 历史li shi. What is History?  History is the study of the past  It  looks at things that have happened, and why  Because this happened, this.  - ppt download

HISTORY 历史li shi. What is History?  History is the study of the past  It looks at things that have happened, and why  Because this happened, this. - ppt download

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The Four Great Chinese Inventions 四大发明 sì dà fā míng 四大发明 sìdàfāmíng  Compass 指南车 zhǐ nán chē 指南车zhǐnánchē  Gunpowder 火药 huǒ yào 火药huǒyào  Paper 纸 zhǐ 纸zhǐ  Printing 印刷术 yìn shuā shù 印刷术yìnshuāshù
 History is the study of the past  It looks at things that have happened, and why  Because this happened, this happened.
Chinese Dynasties  Most of Chinese history take place in a thing called a ‘Dynasty’  A Dynasty is a family that rules for many years  There are 13 major Dynasties in Chinese history
Ancient History  历史久远 历史久远  lì shǐ jiǔ yuǎn lìshǐjiǔyuǎn  ancient history ancienthistory  China is one of the oldest places in the world
Xia Dynasty  The Xia Dynasty was in a small area of land
Shang Dynasty 商朝 商朝  The Shang Dynasty moved out from where the Xia Dynasty started  The Shang began using Oracle Bones to make the first Chinese characters
Zhou Dynasty 周朝 周朝  The Zhou Dynasty began to live by the Yellow River  Their Capital was Xi’an  They went as far south as the Yangtze River
Spring and Autumn Period 春秋時代  After the Zhou Dynasty the Spring and Autumn Period Began  Confucianism and Taoism begin  The Capital is moved to Luoyang
Qin Dynasty 秦朝 秦朝  The Qin began the Great Wall  They began to write down laws, and set down a common written language  They had common currency (money) and standard weights and measurements
Han Dynasty 汉朝  First meeting with the West because of the Silk Road
Modern History  近代史 近代史  jìn dài shǐ jìndàishǐ  History that is not as old, but still old
Three Kingdoms 三国 SānSān guóguó
The Three Kingdoms 三國  Bloodiest part of Chinese History  Lots of wars  Battle of Red Cliffs
Jin Dynasty 晋朝 JìnJìn cháocháo
Jin Dynasty 晋朝  Peace after war
North & South Dynasty 北和南朝
North & South Dynasty 南北朝 南北朝  Times of civil war  Lots of art
Sui Dynasty 隋朝 隋朝  Country came back together after 400 years of war
Tang Dynasty 唐朝 唐朝  Capital city of Xi’an was the largest in the world  Families given fields based on need, not wealth
Song Dynasty 宋朝  First in world to use paper money  Education important
Recent History  This is history that is not very old
Yuan Dynasty 元朝  Marco Polo came from the West  Beijing became Capital
Ming Dynasty 明朝  Lots of trade, especially with Japan  Large navy of ships built  Last building of Great Wall
Qing Dynasty 清朝  First complete dictionary  West began to occupy China  Opium wars  After 4,000 years, no more dynasties
Republic of China  Sun Yatsen  Slavery ended  Chiang Kai-shek and KMT  Long March begins
People’s Republic of China (PRC) 中花人民共和国
People’s Republic of China (PRC) 1949-Present

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