Buy Anointing Oil From Israel - Ein Gedi – The Peace Of God®

Buy Anointing Oil From Israel - Ein Gedi – The Peace Of God®

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Anointing Oil Blessing From Israel - Made out of 100% natural ingredient, herbs and flowers that are known for their special properties and qualities! SHOP NOW >>

Variety Pack of 11 Anointing Oils 7.5 ml , 0.25 fl.oz

Traditional collection of 7.5 ml
Supplied in fancy glass bottle.

Queen Esther 7.5 ml , 0.25 fl.oz.
Rose Of Sharon 7.5 ml , 0.25 fl.oz.
Spikenard 7.5 ml , 0.25 fl.oz.
Lion of Judah 7.5 ml , 0.25 fl.oz.
Frankincense and Myrrh 7.5 ml , 0.25 fl.oz.
Light Of Jerusalem 7.5 ml , 0.25 fl.oz.
King David 7.5 ml , 0.25 fl.oz.
Lily of the Valley 7.5 ml , 0.25 fl.oz
Myrrh 7.5 ml , 0.25 fl.oz.
King Solomon 7.5 ml , 0.25 fl.oz.
Elijah 7.5 ml , 0.25 fl.oz.


Free shipping to united state and Europe.

All Ein Gedi products have Ministry of Health approvals.

Made in Israel


Variety Pack of 8 Anointing Oils 12 ml +7.5 ml, 

Traditional collection of 12 ml + 7.5 ml
Supplied in fancy glass bottle.

Frankincese 12 ml , 0.4 fl.oz.
Ceder of Lebanon 12 ml, 0.4 fl.oz.
Elijah 12 ml , 0.4 fl.oz.
Jonha the Prophet 12 ml , 0.4 fl.oz.
King David 7.5 ml, 0.25 fl.oz.
King Solomon 7.5 ml, 0.25 fl.oz.
Queen Esther 7.5 ml, 0.25 fl.oz.
Lion of Judah 7.5 ml, 0.25 fl.oz.

Free shipping to united state and Europe.

All Ein Gedi products have Ministry of Health approvals.

Made in Israel

Variety Pack of 13 Anointing Oils 12 ml , 

Traditional collection of 12 ml
Supplied in fancy glass bottle.

Frankincese and Myrrh 12 ml, 0.4 fl.oz.
Lily of the Valley oil 12 ml , 0.4 fl.oz.
Rose of Sharon 12 ml , 0.4 fl.oz.
Lion of Judah 12 ml, 0.4 fl.oz.
Light of Jerusalem 12 ml, 0.4 fl.oz.
Queen Esther 12 ml , 0.4 fl.oz.
Elijah 12 ml, 0.4 fl.oz.
Cedar of Lebanon 12 ml, 0.4 fl.oz.
King Solomon 12 ml, 0.4 fl.oz.
King David 12 ml , 0.4 fl.oz.
Jonah the Prophet 12 ml, 0.4 fl.oz
Spikenard 12 ml, 0.4 fl.oz.
Myrrh 12 ml, 0.4 fl.oz.

Free shipping to united state and Europe.

All Ein Gedi products have Ministry of Health approvals.

Made in Israel

Roll-on Anointing Oil Messiah 10 ml - 0.34fl.oz

Second Coming

Messiah : The term came to refer to a future jewish King from the Davidic line , who will be anointed with holy anointing oil and rule the jewish people.
Messiah is used in the old Testament to describe priests and kings, who were traditionally anointed with holy anointing oil as described in Exodus 30:22-25. Messiah refers to a leader anointed by God , and in some cases, a future King of israel , physically descended from the Davidic line, who will rule the people of the united tribes of israel and herald the Messianic Age of global peace. John 1:41-42: The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother simon and tell him, We have found the Messiah ( that is, the Christ). And he brought him to jesus.

This premium quality Anointing Oil has been developed in Jerusalem from a heart of faith in Yeshua / Jesus - May His Church be prepared as God's restoration plan comes to fulfillment in these times.
Each oil specifically designed to help restore His Bride according to scripture.
Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
( Matthew 24:44)

Traditional collection of Roll-on Anointing oil at 10 ml, including 7 different scents.

This special blend of oils and flowers was made by secret formula that have been traditionally used over the years.

The product is supplied in elegant glass bottle with rolling ball, designed especially for comfort use and packed in box for safekeeping.

The original products of the Ein Gedi brand Ltd.

All Ein Gedi products have Ministry of Health approvals.

Made in Israel.

Roll-on Anointing Oil Faith 10 ml - 0.34fl.oz

Second Coming

This anointing oil features a fragrant blend of sandalwood and linen with olive oil. Hebrews 12:2 - Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

This premium quality Anointing Oil has been developed in Jerusalem from a heart of faith in Yeshua / Jesus - May His Church be prepared as God's restoration plan comes to fulfillment in these times.
Each oil specifically designed to help restore His Bride according to scripture.
Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
( Matthew 24:44)

Traditional collection of Roll-on Anointing oil at 10 ml, including 7 different scents.

This special blend of oils and flowers was made by secret formula that have been traditionally used over the years.

The product is supplied in elegant glass bottle with rolling ball, designed especially for comfort use and packed in box for safekeeping.

The original products of the Ein Gedi brand Ltd.

All Ein Gedi products have Ministry of Health approvals.

Made in Israel.

Roll-on Anointing Oil - Lion of Judah 10 ml, 0.34 fl.oz.

Lion of Judah : The Lion of judah was the symbol of the israelite tribe of judah in the Book of Genesis of the Old Testament.
The Lion of judah also represents jesus , the phrase appears in the New Testament Book of Revelation 5:5; And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of judah , the Root of David , hath prevailed to opan the book , and to loose the seven seals thereof.

This Anointing Oil is made in Israel - the Land of the Bible by local perfumers, using natural Galilee and Jerusalem Virgin Olive Oils and scented with flowers and herbs essences mentioned in the Bible and characteristic of the Holy Land.

Moreover the Lord spoke to Moses, saying Also take for yourself quality spices and you shall make from these a holy anointing oil , an ointment compounded according to The art of the perfumer .
It shall be a holy anointing oil
( Exodus 30.22-25 )

Traditional collection of Roll-on Anointing oil at 10 ml, including 10 different scents.

This special blend of oils and flowers was made by secret formula that have been traditionally used over the years.

The product is supplied in elegant glass bottle with rolling ball, designed especially for comfort use and packed in box for safekeeping.

The original products of the Ein Gedi brand Ltd.

All Ein Gedi products have Ministry of Health approvals.

Made in Israel.

Light of Jerusalem : Then the LORD said to Moses, Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels of liquid myrrh, half as much of fragrant cinnamon , 250 shekels of fragrant cane , 500 shekels of cassia and a hin of olive oil . Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a fragrant blend , the work of a perfumer. lt will be the sacred anointing oil.

Light of jerusalem anointing oil is as close as possible to the ancient holy anointing oil.

Take thou also unto thee principal spices :
of pure myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet
cinnamon half as much ( even two hundred and fifty shekels)
, and of sweet calamus two hundred and fifty shekels,
and of cassia five hundred shekels, according to the shekel of
the sanctuary, and of olive oil a hin.And thou shalt make from
it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound according to the
art of the perfumer , it shall be a holy anointing oil .
( Exodus 30:23-25)

Anointing oil Light of Jerusalem 30 ml ,1 fl.oz.

This special blend of oils and flowers was made by secret formula that have been traditionally used over the years.

The product supplied in elegant glass bottle packed in box for safekeeping.
The original products of the Ein Gedi brand Ltd.

All Ein Gedi products have Ministry of Health approvals.

Made in Israel

Elijah: Elijah was a prophet in the Kingdom of israel during the reign of Ahab . Elijah defended the worship of Yahweh ( god) over that of the more popular Baal. He raised the dead , brought fire down from the sky, and ascended into heaven in a whirlwind of fire. and he will turn many of the children of israel to the Lord their God. He will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of fathers toward children and the disobedient to the understanding of the righteous, to prepare a people fit for the Lord.

This Anointing Oil is made in Israel - the Land of the Bible by local perfumers, using natural Galilee and Jerusalem Virgin Olive Oils and scented with flowers and herbs essences mentioned in the Bible and characteristic of the Holy Land.

Moreover the Lord spoke to Moses, saying Also take for yourself quality spices and you shall make from these a holy anointing oil , an ointment compounded according to The art of the perfumer .
It shall be a holy anointing oil
( Exodus 30.22-25 )

Blessing From Jerusalem Anointing Oil - Elijah 12 ml, 0.4 fl.oz.

Traditional collection of Anointing oil at 12 ml, including 19 different scents.

This special blend of oils and flowers was made by secret formula that have been traditionally used over the years.

The product supplied in elegant glass bottle packed in box for safekeeping.

The original products of the Ein Gedi brand Ltd.

All Ein Gedi products have Ministry of Health approvals.

Made in Israel.

Anointing Oil - Queen Esther 7.5 ml , 0.25 fl.oz.

Queen Esther: King Ahasuerus choose Esther, an orphaned jewish child raised in Persia by Mordecai, her cousin, to replace the recalcitant queen Vashti. Haman , the king advisor , plotted against the jews, making a plan to kill and extirpate all jews throughout the persian Empire. Esther told the king of Haman's plan , and so acknowledged her own jewish ethnicity. The king was enraged and ordered Haman to be hanged on the gallows he had built for Mordecai. In celebration of saving Persia jews established an annual feast, the feast of Purim , in memory of this deliverance.

This Anointing Oil is made in Israel - the Land of the Bible by local perfumers, using natural Galilee and Jerusalem Virgin Olive Oils and scented with flowers and herbs essences mentioned in the Bible and characteristic of the Holy Land.

Moreover the Lord spoke to Moses, saying Also take for yourself quality spices and you shall make from these a holy anointing oil , an ointment compounded according to The art of the perfumer .
It shall be a holy anointing oil
( Exodus 30.22-25 )

Traditional collection of Anointing oil at 7.5 ml, including 11 different scents.

This special blend of oils and flowers was made by secret formula that have been traditionally used over the years.

The product supplied in elegant glass bottle packed in box for safekeeping.

The original products of the Ein Gedi brand Ltd.

All Ein Gedi products have Ministry of Health approvals.

Made in Israel.

Anointing Oil -Rose Of Sharon 7.5 ml , 0.25 fl.oz.

Rose 0f sharon : I am a rose of sharon , a lily of the valley . Like a lily among thorns is my darling among the maidens. Song of Solomon 2:1

I am the rose of Sharon , and the lily of the valleys.
As the lily among thorns, so is my love
among the daughters. As the apple tree among the trees of the
wood , so is my beloved among the sons.
I sat down under his shadow with great delight ,
and his fruit was swsst to my taste .
( Song of Solomon 2:1-3)

This Anointing Oil is made in Israel - the Land of the Bible by local perfumers, using natural Galilee and Jerusalem Virgin Olive Oils and scented with flowers and herbs essences mentioned in the Bible and characteristic of the Holy Land.

Moreover the Lord spoke to Moses, saying Also take for yourself quality spices and you shall make from these a holy anointing oil , an ointment compounded according to The art of the perfumer .
It shall be a holy anointing oil
( Exodus 30.22-25 )

Traditional collection of Anointing oil at 7.5 ml, including 11 different scents.

This special blend of oils and flowers was made by secret formula that have been traditionally used over the years.

The product supplied in elegant glass bottle packed in box for safekeeping.

The original products of the Ein Gedi brand Ltd.

All Ein Gedi products have Ministry of Health approvals.

Made in Israel.


The perfect kit to bring Prosperity into your life! 

  • Henna Anointing oil for daily prayer -100 ml, 3.74fl.oz

This special blend of oils and flowers was made by secret formula that have been traditionally used over the years.

  • A candle with a special prayer with your name for a seven-day blessing

The preparation time of the candle is seven days, during which every day the candle is anointed with prayer oil and blessed. At the end of the seven days it is sent to you. You should read the personal prayer written on it and light it for a week.

  • Holy water 100 ml, 3.74fl.oz and Myrrh incense (Each packet contains 8 Incense Sticks) to purify your home and give way to new energy

myrrh is considered one of the most important and powerful perfumes that affects our home and our environment, the virtues of myrrh to give the home peace, stability and tranquility. 

This item is in FREE SHIPPING! 

The perfect kit to bring Guarding and Protection into your life! 

  • Hyssop Anointing oil for daily prayer -100 ml, 3.74fl.oz

This special blend of oils and flowers was made by secret formula that have been traditionally used over the years.

  • A candle with a special prayer with your name for a seven-day blessing

The preparation time of the candle is seven days, during which every day the candle is anointed with prayer oil and blessed. At the end of the seven days it is sent to you. You should read the personal prayer written on it and light it for a week.

  • Holy water 100 ml, 3.74fl.oz and Myrrh incense (Each packet contains 8 Incense Sticks) to purify your home and give way to new energy

myrrh is considered one of the most important and powerful perfumes that affects our home and our environment, the virtues of myrrh to give the home peace, stability and tranquility. 

This item is in FREE SHIPPING! 

The perfect kit to bring Health and Recuperation into your life! 

  • Cedar of Lebanon Anointing oil for daily prayer -100 ml, 3.74fl.oz

This special blend of oils and flowers was made by secret formula that have been traditionally used over the years.

  • A candle with a special prayer with your name for a seven-day blessing

The preparation time of the candle is seven days, during which every day the candle is anointed with prayer oil and blessed. At the end of the seven days it is sent to you. You should read the personal prayer written on it and light it for a week.

  • Holy water 100 ml, 3.74fl.oz and Lavender incense (Each packet contains 8 Incense Sticks) to purify your home and give way to new energy

The Lavender Purifies the body and mind.  It has abilities to relieve depression, mental trauma and nervous breakdown. It has effective sedative properties for the treatment of sleep disorders, anxiety, stress, headaches, migraines, relieves the respiratory system in situations of cough, colds and flu, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and sore throat.

This item is in FREE SHIPPING! 

The perfect kit to bring Prosperity into your life! 

  • Cinnamon Anointing oil for daily prayer -100 ml, 3.74fl.oz

This special blend of oils and flowers was made by secret formula that have been traditionally used over the years.

  • A candle with a special prayer with your name for a seven-day blessing

The preparation time of the candle is seven days, during which every day the candle is anointed with prayer oil and blessed. At the end of the seven days it is sent to you. You should read the personal prayer written on it and light it for a week.

  • Holy water 100 ml, 3.74fl.oz and Frankincense incense (Each packet contains 8 Incense Sticks) to purify your home and give way to new energy

Frankincense is a fragrant resin of white to light yellow extracted from the type of frankincense (Boswellia), a branched tree that grows in mountainous dry forest areas in India, North Africa and the Middle East. Incense has been in use since the Temple period and is known for its abilities to sin, purify, and exalt. New scientific studies confirm the medical uses that were practiced in ancient traditions.

This item is in FREE SHIPPING! 

The Perfect Deal at $22

Catholic Deep Blue Crystal Rosary , Olive Wood Cross and Anointing Oil , Gift Set from holy land

Simply the best Gift for you. White Pearl Rosary with a crucifix makes a great present for any occasion, Birthday, Affirmation, First Communion, Baptism, Mother’s Day, Christening, and a perfect present for Catholic and Orthodox Christians for everyday use.

Religious Catholic gifts shipped to you direct from Jerusalem.

  • Catholic Deep Blue Crystal Rosary Prayer Beads w/Crucifix & Holy Soil ,Size: 21.65 - 55 cm
  • Olive Wood Cross - Height - 3.25 Inches / 8.3 cm
  • Anointing Oil - Frankincense, Myrrh and Spikenard 50 ml , 1.7 fl.oz

The Perfect Deal at $22.9

Catholic Hematite Rosary , Olive Wood Cross and Anointing Oil , Gift Set from holy land

Simply the best Gift for you. White Pearl Rosary with a crucifix makes a great present for any occasion, Birthday, Affirmation, First Communion, Baptism, Mother’s Day, Christening, and a perfect present for Catholic and Orthodox Christians for everyday use.

Religious Catholic gifts shipped to you direct from Jerusalem.

  • Hematite Rosary Beads Prayer Knot w/Crucifix and Holy Soil from Jerusalem - Size: 23.62 - 60 cm
  • Olive Wood Cross - Height - 3.25 Inches / 8.3 cm
  • Anointing Oil - Frankincense, Myrrh and Spikenard 50 ml , 1.7 fl.oz.


    Anointing Oil - Lion of Judah 7.5 ml , 0.25 fl.oz.

    Lion of Judah : The Lion of judah was the symbol of the israelite tribe of judah in the Book of Genesis of the Old Testament.
    The Lion of judah also represents jesus , the phrase appears in the New Testament Book of Revelation 5:5; And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of judah , the Root of David , hath prevailed to opan the book , and to loose the seven seals thereof.

    And one of the elders said unto me,
    Weep not ! Behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
    the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book
    and to loose the seven seals thereof.

    This Anointing Oil is made in Israel - the Land of the Bible by local perfumers, using natural Galilee and Jerusalem Virgin Olive Oils and scented with flowers and herbs essences mentioned in the Bible and characteristic of the Holy Land.

    Moreover the Lord spoke to Moses, saying Also take for yourself quality spices and you shall make from these a holy anointing oil , an ointment compounded according to The art of the perfumer .
    It shall be a holy anointing oil
    ( Exodus 30.22-25 )

    Traditional collection of Anointing oil at 7.5 ml, including 11 different scents.

    This special blend of oils and flowers was made by secret formula that have been traditionally used over the years.

    The product supplied in elegant glass bottle packed in box for safekeeping.

    The original products of the Ein Gedi brand Ltd.

    All Ein Gedi products have Ministry of Health approvals.

    Made in Israel.

    Blessing From Jerusalem Anointing Oil - Cedar of Lebanon 12 ml, 0.4 fl.oz.

    Cedar of Lebanon, Healing Anointing Oil
    And he shall take the cedar wood , and the hyssop,
    and the scarlet , and the living bird, and dip them in the
    blood of the slain bird , and in the running water, and sprinkle the
    house seven timse.( Leviticus 14:51 )

    This Anointing Oil is made in Israel - the Land of the Bible by local perfumers, using natural Galilee and Jerusalem Virgin Olive Oils and scented with flowers and herbs essences mentioned in the Bible and characteristic of the Holy Land.

    Moreover the Lord spoke to Moses, saying Also take for yourself quality spices and you shall make from these a holy anointing oil , an ointment compounded according to The art of the perfumer .
    It shall be a holy anointing oil
    ( Exodus 30.22-25 )

    Traditional collection of Anointing oil at 12 ml, including 19 different scents.

    This special blend of oils and flowers was made by secret formula that have been traditionally used over the years.

    The product supplied in elegant glass bottle packed in box for safekeeping.

    The original products of the Ein Gedi brand Ltd.

    All Ein Gedi products have Ministry of Health approvals.

    Made in Israel.


    Variety Pack of 6 Anointing Oils 30 ml ,1fl oz 

    Traditional collection of 30ml

    Supplied in fancy plastic bottle.

    • Cinnamon Prosperity 30 ml 1 fl.oz.
    • Frankincense, Myrrh and Nard 30 ml, 1 fl.oz.
    • Henna Prosperity 30 ml, 1 fl.oz.
    • Hyssop Purification 30 ml 1 fl.oz.
    • Pomegranate Fertility 30 ml, 1 fl.oz.
    • Cedar of Lebanon, Healing 30 ml, 1 fl.oz.

    Free shipping to united state and Europe.

    All Ein Gedi products have Ministry of Health approvals.

    Made in Israel.

    Roll-on Anointing Oil Lion of Judah 10 ml - 0.34fl.oz

    Second Coming

    Lion of Judah : The Lion of judah was the symbol of the israelite tribe of judah in the Book of Genesis of the Old Testament.
    The Lion of judah also represents jesus , the phrase appears in the New Testament Book of Revelation 5:5; And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of judah , the Root of David , hath prevailed to opan the book , and to loose the seven seals thereof.

    This premium quality Anointing Oil has been developed in Jerusalem from a heart of faith in Yeshua / Jesus - May His Church be prepared as God's restoration plan comes to fulfillment in these times.
    Each oil specifically designed to help restore His Bride according to scripture.
    Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
    ( Matthew 24:44)

    Traditional collection of Roll-on Anointing oil at 10 ml, including 7 different scents.

    This special blend of oils and flowers was made by secret formula that have been traditionally used over the years.

    The product is supplied in elegant glass bottle with rolling ball, designed especially for comfort use and packed in box for safekeeping.

    The original products of the Ein Gedi brand Ltd.

    All Ein Gedi products have Ministry of Health approvals.

    Made in Israel.

    Roll-on Anointing Oil Rose of Sharon 10 ml - 0.34fl.oz

    Second Coming

    Rose Of sharon : I am a rose of sharon , a lily of the valley . Like a lily among thorns is my darling among the maidens. Song of Solomon 2:1

    This premium quality Anointing Oil has been developed in Jerusalem from a heart of faith in Yeshua / Jesus - May His Church be prepared as God's restoration plan comes to fulfillment in these times.
    Each oil specifically designed to help restore His Bride according to scripture.
    Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
    ( Matthew 24:44)

    Traditional collection of Roll-on Anointing oil at 10 ml, including 7 different scents.

    This special blend of oils and flowers was made by secret formula that have been traditionally used over the years.

    The product is supplied in elegant glass bottle with rolling ball, designed especially for comfort use and packed in box for safekeeping.

    The original products of the Ein Gedi brand Ltd.

    All Ein Gedi products have Ministry of Health approvals.

    Made in Israel.

    Anointing Oil - Cedar of Lebanon Healing 30 ml, 1 fl.oz.

    Cedar of Lebanon, Healing Anointing Oil
    And he shall take the cedar wood , and the hyssop,
    and the scarlet , and the living bird, and dip them in the
    blood of the slain bird , and in the running water, and sprinkle the
    house seven timse.( Leviticus 14:51 )

    The basis of the Anointing Oil with Cedar of Lebanon is virgin olive oil which is complemented by a variety of plant components. Using the oil for the home prayers, you will protect your family from the negative energy and the evil forces, and the anointing of this oil will find peace.

    The consecrated Anointing Oil with the Cedar of Lebanon possesses amazing healing powers and has rich aroma. The usage of this oil helps to get rid of the stress, insomnia and headache, and lighting the lamp with this blessed oil you will attract prosperity, luck, positive energy and God's blessing to your home and family.

    Traditional collection of Anointing oil at 30 ml, including 6 different scents.

    This special blend of oils and flowers was made by secret formula that have been traditionally used over the years.

    The product is supplied in elegant firm plastic bottle.

    The original products of the Ein Gedi brand Ltd.

    All Ein Gedi products have Ministry of Health approval

    Made in Israel.

    Anointing Oil - Pomegranate Fertility 100 ml, 3.74fl.oz.

    Pomegranate Fertility Anointing Oil A land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig trees, and pomegranates , a land of olive oil , and honey.( Deuteronomy 8:8 )

     The basis of the Anointing Oil with Pomegranate is virgin olive oil which is complemented by a variety of plant components. Using the oil for the home prayers, you will protect your family from the negative energy and the evil forces, and the anointing of this oil will find peace.

    Traditional collection of Anointing oil at 100 ml, including 6 different scents.

    This special blend of oils and flowers was made by secret formula that have been traditionally used over the years.

    The product is supplied in elegant firm plastic bottle.

    The original products of the Ein Gedi brand Ltd.

    All Ein Gedi products have Ministry of Health approvals.

    Made in Israel.

    Variety Pack of 6 Anointing Oils 50 ml ,1.7fl oz 

    Traditional collection of 50ml
    Supplied in fancy plastic bottle.

    • Cinnamon Prosperity 50 ml 1.7 fl.oz.
    • Frankincense, Myrrh and Nard 50 ml, 1.7 fl.oz.
    • Henna Prosperity 50 ml, 1.7 fl.oz.
    • Hyssop Purification 50 ml, 1.7 fl.oz.
    • Pomegranate Fertility 50 ml, 1.7 fl.oz.
    • Cedar of Lebanon, Healing 50 ml, 1.7 fl.oz.

     Free shipping to united state and Europe.

    All Ein Gedi products have Ministry of Health approvals.

    Made in Israel.

    Ein Gedi Essence of Jerusalem Messiah Anointing Oil (30ml / 1 fl.oz.), Anointing Oils

    Buy Anointing Oil From Israel - Ein Gedi – The Peace Of God®

    Ein Gedi Anointing Oils, Ein Gedi Cosmetics

    This Anointing Oil is made in Israel - the Land of the Bible by local perfumers, using ingredients such as natural Galilee And Jerusalem Virgin Olive

    Light of Jerusalem Consecrated Anointing Oil by Ein Gedi Holy

    This Anointing Oil is made in Israel - the Land of the Bible by local perfumers, using ingredients such as natural Galilee And Jerusalem Virgin Olive

    Light of Jerusalem Consecrated Anointing Oil by Ein Gedi Holy

    Buy Anointing Oil From Israel - Ein Gedi – The Peace Of God®

    Anointing oil set of 4 made with Holy Land flowers and herbs on a base of Galilee olive oil. The Light of Jerusalem oil is based on Exodus 30 and

    Ein Gedi Set of 4 Anointing Oils: Light of Jerusalem, Lily of the Valley, Spikenard, and Rose of Sharon

    Value Set of 11 x Ein Gedi 7.5ml Anointing Oils from Israel

    Ein Gedi Set of 4 Anointing Oils: Light of Jerusalem, Lily of the Valley, Spikenard, and Rose of Sharon : Office Products

    Buy Anointing Oil From Israel - Ein Gedi – The Peace Of God®

    100 ml - Anointing Oil - Ein Gedi - Free shipping – Jerusalem Spirit - Gift store

    This Anointing Oil is based on the natural olive oil and the blend of herbal extracts and flowers, grown in the Holy Land. In the process of

    Anointing Oil Light of Jerusalem Blessing from Jerusalem 0.4 fl.oz by Ein Gedi

    Buy Anointing Oil From Israel - Ein Gedi – The Peace Of God®

    100 ml - Anointing Oil - Ein Gedi - Free shipping – Jerusalem Spirit - Gift store